Monday, October 19, 2009

who will win?

Today was week 4 with Maizey in obedience arms, legs and torso still ache every time we leave. She does a pretty great job at listening, staying, waiting, laying down, and sitting when we are at home and on walks. Get her into that ugly recreation room with 20 other dogs and she thinks she is queen of the room. Don't get me wrong, she actually is a better dog than most in the room but her constant biting at the leash tests my patience like no other. It will be the ultimate battle the last few weeks of class...someone has to win and if I let a 40lb 6month old puppy dominate 3161 Buckingham, we will have issues......

everlasting education...

I went to college for 5 a degree and am currently not even using the 5years of classes I took...make that 3 years w/o using the degree that my parents ever so graciously paid for me to receive. My husband wants to go back to school...and I definitly agree that he should. Talking through all his decisions, choices, etc with him makes me think about what will I do in the future? Obviously I do not want to be an executive assistant my whole life but at the same time, schools most likely won't consider me because I havent taught since 06. So I sit here and think...when will it be my turn? When will I continue my education because it appears 5 years was not quite enough to make me happy with my career path. I think about this a lot...more so than a normal 28 year old should....