Monday, October 19, 2009

everlasting education...

I went to college for 5 a degree and am currently not even using the 5years of classes I took...make that 3 years w/o using the degree that my parents ever so graciously paid for me to receive. My husband wants to go back to school...and I definitly agree that he should. Talking through all his decisions, choices, etc with him makes me think about what will I do in the future? Obviously I do not want to be an executive assistant my whole life but at the same time, schools most likely won't consider me because I havent taught since 06. So I sit here and think...when will it be my turn? When will I continue my education because it appears 5 years was not quite enough to make me happy with my career path. I think about this a lot...more so than a normal 28 year old should....

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